Training and Other Facilities
DUS believes that training is a key element of the development approach which focuses on people and their participation. Training has been introduced as an essential element of DUS’s intervention strategy.
DUS takes up need based training programs, prepares module and training curriculum. The training programs generally involve flip chart, posters, handouts, cards & charts, audiocassettes, videocassettes, original model, curriculum, modules, photographs etc. DUS has already developed a training and communication Unit fully equipped with all possible physical and human resources. DUS is organized different type of training since last two decades:
DUS is organized different type of training for its staffs as well as beneficiaries. DUS always prepare its yearly training plan which is incorporated basic skill development training for staffs, MIS, ToT general, Branch management and Finance management etc.
DUS conducts it’s skill development training through identification of people who need skill training. This is done by conducting survey to identify marketable skills, developing modules of livelihood skills program, conducting training to the selected people, select graduates of the skill program to receive capital, linking other graduates to employment or credit program, following up the graduates to see whether they are able to achieve sustainable livelihood. The skills training programs include tree nursery management, sustainable agriculture, poultry and cattle rearing etc.
Leadership development training is a very important intervention of DUS. Leadership development training is intended for the group members under different project interventions. The training programs focus financial management of community fund, conflict management, and bottom-up planning for sustainable rural livelihoods. Through this training, the stakeholders are helped to understand WatSan, maternal and child health, personal hygiene, safe drinking water, health and nutrition education, gender and development, livelihood and food security development and other issues for improving their knowledge, attitude and skills. Training on different courses offered them to choose income sources. Some were found utilizing the skills to meet their family needs, and so to speak, earn by sales. Instead of the indispensable constraints relating to management of time, staff and stakeholder, income level of the target people was found rising; school going habit among the children of the target people have risen; opportunities for alternative works increased; right based issues for the women in the family and society discussed and decided; and a kind of behavioral change in maintaining their personal and environmental hygiene was identified.
From its inception DUS has organized Human Development Training in every year. The training program is organized for the members who are not aware about Gender discrimination and women rights in the family or society. The Human Development Training Programs includes Gender Equity and Development as well as Child & Women Rights and Women Empowerment.
Training Facilities of the Organization:
Sl No | Address | Facilities | Capacity |
01 | DUS Foundation Office, Hatiya, Noakhali | White board, Flipchart board, Projector, Generator, Computer, Printer, Internet | 50 Person |
02 | DUS Foundation Office, Hatiya, Noakhali | As above | 50 Person |
03 | DUS Regional Office Maidee, Noakhali | As above | 30 Person |
04 | DUS Branch Office Horni, Hatiya, Noakhali | As above | 25 Person |
05 | DUS Branch Office, Chanondi, Hatiya, Noakhali | As above | 30 Person |
06 | DUS Branch Office Bhumihinbazar, Hatiya, Noakhali | As above | 25 Person |
07 | DUS Branch Office Jahazmara, Hatiya, Noakhali | As above | 30 Person |
- Conclusion:
DUS believes that the attainment of a sustainable development is a matter of long term process and key success largely depends on the active participation of the people for whom the services are planned & rendered. DUS also believes that single initiative is needed but collaborative efforts of all stakeholders are must for successful implementation of any interventions. The linkers of targeted population with all level of resource organizations and sensitizing the policy makers and related other stakeholders through policy advocacy, dialogues & campaigns in alliance with live mandate organization for formulating a policy and front initiative of the rights and expectation of the island population & other associates.